Hotels FAQs

What are the standard check-in and check-out times of the hotel?

The standard check-in time is 15:00 hours and check-out is at 11:00 hours.

Is it possible to check-in earlier?

It is possible to check in earlier, this depends on availability and cannot be guaranteed. To be sure of having the room ready early, you can reserve the room from the night before.

Is it possible to have a late check-out?

It is possible to have a late check-out. Free of charge. However, this depends on availability and cannot be guaranteed. To be sure of having the room late, you could reserve the room for a extra night.

Are your hotel rates per room or per person?

The rates charged are per room although the cost may differ slightly for single and double occupancy.

What types of rooms are available in the hotel?

The hotel has six room categories: Single, Double, Twin, Single with Sea Views, Double with Sea Views, Premium Double with Sea Views.

How many people can stay in one room?

Depending on the booking, each room has a maximum occupancy.

What is the minimum age requirement to reserve room?

You must be over 18 years of age to reserve room.

Does my room reservation require any guarantee?

All room reservations require a credit/debit card guarantee.

Does the rate include breakfast?

The rate normally includes breakfast. However, rooms can be booked without breakfast.

Do you have a pet policy?

We regret that animals are not allowed in the hotel.

Are king-sized beds available in the rooms?

Yes, we have king-sized beds in all our double rooms.

Do the rooms have tea/coffee making facilities?

Yes, all of the bedrooms have this facility.

Do you offer discounts for a group booking?

We sometimes offer discounts for group bookings. For details , please call 01524 412034.

Do the beds have duvets or sheets and blankets?

All beds have duvets and blankets are available on request.

Do you allow smoking on property? In the rooms?

No. Smoking and vaping are not permitted anywhere inside the hotel or in any rooms. There is a seating area in the garden where smoking is permitted.

Will your rooms allow rollaway beds?

Unfortunately, we do not offer rollaways.

Do you have rooms with a bath?

Yes. We do have baths in some rooms. Call us for details.

Do you have connecting rooms?

We have some connecting rooms at the hotel. You may make a request for connecting rooms. However, they are not guaranteed.

Is there a safety deposit box available at the hotel?

There is a safety deposit box in every guest room. They are available free of charge.

Do you have hairdryers in the rooms?

Hairdryers are available in every guest room.

Is there a swimming pool in the hotel?

There is no swimming pool in the hotel. There are several swimming pools in the area.

Are there any golf courses near the hotel?

Yes, there are several. The closest is Morecambe Golf Club on the sea front, about 10 minutes walk from us.

Are offices available for rent at the hotel?

We have a boardroom, which is available for rent depending on use. Other services such as catering and equipment are available.

Can I connect to the Internet from my room?

Yes, free WiFi is available in all rooms.

How much parking space is available at the hotel?

There is always ample parking available.

Is email service available at the hotel?

Guests are able to send and receive email on our equipment, free of charge.

What television channels are available in the rooms?

We have 60 digital tv channels, 12 HD channels and 25 radio channels in guest rooms.

Where is breakfast served and at what times?

Breakfast is served in our spacious ground floor dining room overlooking the bay. On weekdays, breakfast begins at 7:15 am and finishes around 10 am. On weekends and public holidays, breakfast begins at 8 am and finishes around 10 am.

Is there a vegetarian breakfast available?

Yes, we have a selection of vegetarian options.

Can I pre-order breakfast?

Yes, if you wish you can pre-order breakfast and it will be cooked and ready for you at the time you request.

Can the hotel reconfirm my ongoing flight?

Yes, staff will be pleased to assist with your travel arrangements.

Can baggage be stored at the hotel?

On the day of departure, the hotels guests can use the storage facility free of charge. The storage facility service is not available for non-guests.

Do you have an express check out service?

Yes. Simply let us know on arrival or during your stay.

Do you have a fitness center?

We do not have a fitness center. There are several gyms/fitness centers in the area.

Do you have a spa?

The Hotel does not have a spa.

How far is the hotel from the shopping areas?

We are about 5 minutes from the main shopping area in the centre of town.

How far is the nearest train station?

We are about 10 minutes walk from the nearest train station. A couple of minutes in a taxi.

How do I get to the hotel?

Please see our Maps & Directions page.

How do I cancel my hotel reservation?

To cancel your booking, please contact the reservations desk on 01524 412034.

I booked through a booking agent and I need to make a change to my reservation. How do I do this?

You must go through the booking agent that you went through in order to change your reservation.

What is your cancellation/deposit policy?

Please see our booking conditions.

What forms of payment are accepted to pay for my room?

We accept all major credit cards. We do not accept cheques. If you would like to pay with cash, we will ask for the full payment in advance.

Do you have a tour desk where I can book excursions during my stay?

There is currently no tour desk available in-house, but we will be able to make recommendations according to your needs.

Where is the nearest bank?

The nearest bank is a 5 minutes walk away.

How far is the nearest medical centre to the hotel?

We are about 1 km away from the nearest medical centre.

Who do I contact if I have further questions?

If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can do this a number of ways:
Phone: 01524 412034
Post: The Ashley Hotel, 371 Marine Road East, Morecambe, Lancashire LA4 5AH